Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

A Magic Cristmash Card

Digg D

It is Christmas time and we’ve got a huge tutorial. You will learn to transform a daylight image in to a Nightlight, Create transparency trough the layer style options, and create intense lights.
The result it’s a beautiful Christmas postcard.

At the end of this tutorial you will find a link to download the psd file.
Lets Start!!

Stock photo: sunset billing lake


Step 1 Convert the image to a night scene

a)    Duplicate background layer
b)   Convert this new layer for smart filters:  Filter >Convert for smart filters

c)    Apply Accented edges: Filter > Brush Strokes > Accented edges. Set as follows

d)   Apply Dry Brush Filter:  Filter > Artistic > Dry Brush. Set as follows

e)    For the last filter apply Crosshatch: Filter > Brush Strokes > Crosshatch. Set as follows:

f)     Set the blending Mode to LINEAR BURN at 50%, this Works pretty nice!!!

g)    Now lets create a new adjustment layer. Click on the small Black/White circle in the layers palette.
Select the hue saturation and set as follows:

h)   Create another adjustment layer. This time select exposure. Set as follows:

i)     We are almost done, now for purpose of this postcard we must make a little bluish the scene. Create a new layer.
j)     Select the gradient editor and create a very Dark blue to a dark blue gradient

k)    Paint the new layer with this gradient
l)     Set the blending mode to overlay at 50%

Step 2 Create the Light path

a)    Create a new layer
b)   Open the gradient editor. Choose the gradient type Noise, and set roughness to 70%

c)    Paint the new layer.
d)   Desaturate. Image > Adjustments Desaturate

e)    Transform the layer to create the Light path: Edit > Transform > Distort

f)     Now make a little rounder the edges: Edit > Transform > Warp:

g)    Set the blending mode to Screen at 100%

Step 3 Glow and transparency
a)    Select Outer Glow in the blending options

b)   Set the Outer Glow with a Blue color
c)    This step is VERY IMPORTANT. We want to bring the birds and the trees in front of the Light pad. Double click on the path layer to bring the Layer Style Options

d)   In the BLEND IF section select the Black handlers in the underlying layer
e)    Alt + Click in the dark handle so you break it apart
f)     Move the right dark handle to the right till the trees and the birds appear trough the path

Step 4 Create Light sparkles

a)    Create a new layer
b)   Open the brushes palette

c)    Set the brush as follows

d)   Paint with a lot of lights in the path
e)    Modify the blending options, follow letters c, d, e, f of the Step 3

f)     Duplicate the layer
g)    Apply Gaussian Blur to the first lights layer

h)   Turn on the copy lights layers
i)     Select the 3 layers and create a Group

Step 5 Create reflections

a)    Duplicate the lights Group layer
b)   Merge the Group

c)    Move it to the lake

d)   Flip it vertical: Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical
e)    Use the warp tool to transform it so it adjust to the river

f)     Create a new layer below the lights reflection and paint it with Black. Merge the lights and the Black layer
g)    Apply Ocean ripples: Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripples

h)   Select the magic wand and create a mask selecting all the Black areas

i)     Erase the Black areas
j)     Set the blending mode to overlay

NOTE: I’m not satisfied with the lights position so I’m going to move the Group a little.
Finally add your message, I’m Using Scriptina Font. You can find it:

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