Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles

Final Image Preview

light elements Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Stocks Used:
1.Step - Document Setup
Open a new document on Photoshop 3300 pixels width 5100 pixels high and 300dpi. (With a file size of this dimensions you can get nice prints out of your works)
1 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Take the paint bucket tool and fill the background layer with black. Create a new layer and fill it with black again.Then go to Filter -> Noise -> Add noise and use the next settings:
2 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Set the layer blend mode to "Screen" and reduce the opacity of the layer to 70%. What this layer is gonna do,  is provide a "bed" in which the color is going to bleed on the canvas. Without this base of noise, color does not spread very well against plain black backgrounds. It doesn't matter if the noise is visible at 100%  zoom of the image, the noise will not be visible in the final result.
2.Step - Subject Placement
Take the stock that is going to be functioning as the main focus of the composition (I used this image of a man jumping), but it can also be anything you want, like some kind of object or maybe even a typographic element) and extract it from its background. Use the Pen tool (P) and draw a path round the edges of the subject. Once you close the path convert it into a selection and then invert it (CTRL+SHIFT+I) after that hit delete.
3 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Then drag your image into the center of your canvas.
3.Step - Color Balancing
The image I used has some magenta coloring on it,and we are going to to change that because the most predominant colors on the composition will be blue and green and we need them to match. To make those changes, go to Image -> Adjustments -> Color Balance. This are the settings I used for this specific image (Note that the settings may change according to the stock your used and the coloring it has).
4 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
5 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
6 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
After these adjustments are made, your stock should now have a blue-green tone into it.
7 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
4.Step - Background color
Create a new layer above the noise layer. We are going to paint in this layer the colors that will be on our background.
Grab the Brush tool (B) and select a soft round brush 0% hardness of about 600 pixels wide and set the brush opacity to about 20%.
Use a dark blue color #07356f and paint in the middle of the subject. You will need to stroke many times to put more color towards the center of the main focus and stroke less to make the color fade away. Using a brush with low opacity will help achieve that effect.
8 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Now use a lighter complementary color. I used a light blue #138c82 and stroke over the parts where you want to add a second color. It will give the image more variety and depth.
9 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
5.Step - Spheres
Now we are going to create some 3d looking spheres to add on our composition. Create a new layer, select the Elliptical Marquee tool (M) and while holding SHIFT make a circle of about 400 pixels wide.
Now select a color that will be working as out mid tone and fill the circle with it. I used the color #177b80.
Without deselecting the circle, Use a soft 100% opacity brush of 300 pixels wide and select a darker shade of the same color.  I used color #032f3d. Now paint on the lower side of the circle to create the shadow.
Select then a lighter shade of the mid tone that will be the highlight #37ceb3 and paint on the top side of the sphere.
10 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
With the sphere still selected we need now to paint the brighter parts of the highlights. for this change your foreground color to white and reduce the brush opacity tip about 150 pixels wide and the opacity to 40%.  Open the brush option tools, squeeze the brush on the brush tip options and then title to match the perspective of the highlight. Then paint where the strongest part of the highlight should be.
11 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Now duplicate the layer several times and resize the spheres. Rotate them to match the light source of you main focus image and place them around your composition.
12 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
6.Step - Light Effects
Create a new layer and select a soft round brush of about 400 pixels wide. Select a blue color (I selected the ones I used from the spheres) and just stroke a line.
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Select a lighter color and stroke over the same line.
14 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Using the transformation option "Warp" change its shape into an abstract light form.
15 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Duplicate and resize this layer just like you did with the spheres and place them around your main subject. Try not to over do it, you don't wanna mess your composition.
16 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
7.Step - Fractals
Open the fractal stock and drag it into your document. Select the Eraser tool (E) and delete the edges of the image. Then go to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue and Saturation and use the next settings to change the color of the stock to a light green:
17 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Set the blending mode of the layer to "Screen" duplicate it and place the layers behind your main stock to add further detail.
18 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Cut parts of the fractal and place them on top of the light effects to make them more abstract and detailed.
19 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
8.Step -Circles
Create a new layer above all the layers. Grab a hard brush of about 6 pixels and 100% opacity and a blue color #12aff2.
Open the brushes options and use the next settings:
20 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
21 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
22 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Brush along the center part of the main focus of the image until you get something like this:
23 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Create another layer. Change the brush size to 18 pixels and paint the circles now a bit on the outer part of the image:
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Create another layer and now change the size of the brush to 45 pixels. This will be the biggest circles and will take much attention so try to keep the distribution of this circles to a low number.
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9.Step - Details
Change your foreground color to a light blue and select a hard brush of about 3 pixels wide. Switch to the Pen tool and draw paths along the lines of the clothes and the body. Then stroke the path:
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Once again change the shade of the color and draw some other details across the body:
27 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
Create a new layer and place it above the main stock, change the layer blending mode to "Screen". Select a blue-greenish color and a soft round brush of about 500 pixels wide. Stroke over the source of the light to give it more detail:
28 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
10.Step - Closing
Save your image as a .jpeg with the highest quality and open it again on Photoshop. Go to Image -> Image size and resize it to this next setting, this will make your image very sharp and high quality:
29 Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles
And you are done I hope you like this tutorial and learned some new techniques to Incorporate into your manipulations. Remember to try and experiment with different shapes and colors, as well as different compositions and element placement.

Final Result: Dynamic Scene with Light Elements and Circles

light elements Create a Dynamic Scene With Light Elements and Circles

Sumber : http://www.psdeluxe.com/tutorials/photo-effects-tutorials/create-dynamic-scene-light-elements-circles/

A Magic Cristmash Card

Digg D

It is Christmas time and we’ve got a huge tutorial. You will learn to transform a daylight image in to a Nightlight, Create transparency trough the layer style options, and create intense lights.
The result it’s a beautiful Christmas postcard.

At the end of this tutorial you will find a link to download the psd file.
Lets Start!!

Stock photo: sunset billing lake


Step 1 Convert the image to a night scene

a)    Duplicate background layer
b)   Convert this new layer for smart filters:  Filter >Convert for smart filters

c)    Apply Accented edges: Filter > Brush Strokes > Accented edges. Set as follows

d)   Apply Dry Brush Filter:  Filter > Artistic > Dry Brush. Set as follows

e)    For the last filter apply Crosshatch: Filter > Brush Strokes > Crosshatch. Set as follows:

f)     Set the blending Mode to LINEAR BURN at 50%, this Works pretty nice!!!

g)    Now lets create a new adjustment layer. Click on the small Black/White circle in the layers palette.
Select the hue saturation and set as follows:

h)   Create another adjustment layer. This time select exposure. Set as follows:

i)     We are almost done, now for purpose of this postcard we must make a little bluish the scene. Create a new layer.
j)     Select the gradient editor and create a very Dark blue to a dark blue gradient

k)    Paint the new layer with this gradient
l)     Set the blending mode to overlay at 50%

Step 2 Create the Light path

a)    Create a new layer
b)   Open the gradient editor. Choose the gradient type Noise, and set roughness to 70%

c)    Paint the new layer.
d)   Desaturate. Image > Adjustments Desaturate

e)    Transform the layer to create the Light path: Edit > Transform > Distort

f)     Now make a little rounder the edges: Edit > Transform > Warp:

g)    Set the blending mode to Screen at 100%

Step 3 Glow and transparency
a)    Select Outer Glow in the blending options

b)   Set the Outer Glow with a Blue color
c)    This step is VERY IMPORTANT. We want to bring the birds and the trees in front of the Light pad. Double click on the path layer to bring the Layer Style Options

d)   In the BLEND IF section select the Black handlers in the underlying layer
e)    Alt + Click in the dark handle so you break it apart
f)     Move the right dark handle to the right till the trees and the birds appear trough the path

Step 4 Create Light sparkles

a)    Create a new layer
b)   Open the brushes palette

c)    Set the brush as follows

d)   Paint with a lot of lights in the path
e)    Modify the blending options, follow letters c, d, e, f of the Step 3

f)     Duplicate the layer
g)    Apply Gaussian Blur to the first lights layer

h)   Turn on the copy lights layers
i)     Select the 3 layers and create a Group

Step 5 Create reflections

a)    Duplicate the lights Group layer
b)   Merge the Group

c)    Move it to the lake

d)   Flip it vertical: Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical
e)    Use the warp tool to transform it so it adjust to the river

f)     Create a new layer below the lights reflection and paint it with Black. Merge the lights and the Black layer
g)    Apply Ocean ripples: Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripples

h)   Select the magic wand and create a mask selecting all the Black areas

i)     Erase the Black areas
j)     Set the blending mode to overlay

NOTE: I’m not satisfied with the lights position so I’m going to move the Group a little.
Finally add your message, I’m Using Scriptina Font. You can find it: